Friday, January 23, 2015

Water Blog 3

Numerous and countless species that live in the water or sea call coral reefs their home, which symbolizes something of value to numerous organisms located on Earth. Furthermore, approximately four thousand types of fish live on coral reefs, and researchers estimate that there could be about one to eight million types of species that live around coral reefs that remain undiscovered. In addition, coral reef plants help in the development of drugs that are capable of fighting viruses, diseases, and bacterial infections. On the other hand, coral reefs that are healthy are capable of preventing property damage, loss of life, and surface erosion. Unfortunately, the coral reefs face many threats to their survival on the daily basis. In conclusion, a law that should be passed to address the threat is the limit the amount of overfishing that occurs in today's society and pollution caused by the fishermen. For instance, fishermen should be fined a certain rate ranging from $1500 to $5000 whenever they overfished a certain type of fish for a specific lengthy time period. In addition, fishermen are not allowed to use dangerous methods to kill or capture fish such fishing with the use of dynamites. Moreover, there would be huge fines for those people who throw garbage and other certain types of litter onto the sea or ocean due to the fact that the debris damages the coral reefs. On an end note, fishermen should obey these regulations or laws to help keep the waters of the ocean and sea clean and free of pollution.

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