Saturday, May 9, 2015

Waste Not Want Not (Rotten Truth)

After reading the website, I learned that garbage represents the junk we believe to be useless or of no use. Furthermore, the garbage stems from or comes from our apartments, condos, businesses, government facilities, schools, homes, hospitals, and almost everywhere on Earth. Moreover, garbage has its another name called municipal solid waste. In addition, in today's society, Americans on average produce two hundred ten million tons of garbage or municipal solid waste annually. Not to mention, the materials or components that our trash are made up of include things like: textiles and paper which generate about up to approximately forty two percent of our garbage or municipal waste. Additionally, plastic, glass, and metal generate approximately twenty three percent of our garbage or municipal waste. Moreover, yard waste generates about eighteen percent of our garbage or municipal waste. Not to mention, food waste or waste from the food or stuff we eat on a daily basis generates approximately seven percent of our garbage or municipal waste. Furthermore, we bury most of our municipal waste or garbage in landfills where it may not decompose at all and just stay there for eternity or forever. More importantly, we humans burn waste or trash. Unfortunately, burning trash or waste can harmfully pollute the air with toxins if not regulated or controlled properly on a daily basis, and it also sends ash into the air which also can be damaging to our health. Moreover, we can recycle and reuse so many materials and things on Earth, but even the process of recycling materials needs the essential energy to start or begin the process. On the contrary, these processes also are capable of generating waste and polluting the air which can be damaging to people's health. Not to mention, there appears to be no solution or way to absolutely get rid of all the waste on Earth with one solution. In the end, the best solution in my opinion is to do the three r's which are to recycle, reduce, and reuse all the materials we have in possession. More importantly. we humans in the United States burn approximately seventeen percent of our garbage or municipal waste in machines such as combustors and burning these wastes can help cut the amount of garbage by means of up to sixty percent to ninety percent. Unfortunately, this method or cutting down waste sends ash into the air we breathe and generates toxic gases and particles that are damaging to the health of every living thing that breathes the air including humans and animals. Although we are suffering from a crisis, a lot of people don't do the three r's which are to recycle, reduce, and reuse. In reality, we only recycle approximately fifty percent of our aluminum materials , thirty eight percent of our paper materials, twenty percent of our glass materials, and only five percent of all plastic materials. Even though recycling takes up a lot of energy to use and even generates pollution to our atmosphere, recycling in the end still has its benefits. On the other hand, some of the materials that undergo the recycling process lose its appealing characteristics and may even need to be thrown out. Therefore, we can't depend one hundred on the process of recycling materials. In the end, we need to go on an alternate route to better and more efficient methods of cutting down our municipal waste. Even though a lot of people advise you to recycle, many individuals still are indifferent and doesn't do anything to help fix the issue. For instance, although there are numerous recycling bins on campus, there still seems to be many plastic bottles in the regular bins of trash even though they are not suppose to be there. In conclusion, i believe that we need to take a step for change and help the mother planet Earth that we live in because we will eventually run out of room to store our waste that we accumulate and add onto the waste on a daily basis.

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